Thursday, November 12, 2009

another pound bites the dust.

I go through spurts of being really good at keeping this up to date and then I go through spurts when I totally space it.  Oh well thats life.  I have had alot of people asking what happened at the doctors and what we found out.. well.. it was not as good as we {I mean I} was hoping for.  I guess I was dreaming of going in and the doctor saying "I dont know how this happened exactly but YOU ARE HEALED!"  Yea.. that wasnt the case.  We went in and looked over my old test and new test.  The new test didnt look as good as I wanted.  Some things were slightly worse, which he said were to be expected after a cleanse because we have been putting my liver under more stress than normal.  He decided to not put me on a cleanse again yet.. he has me now taking a shake twice a day to help my blood sugar and the same supplements.  He also has me on the insulin resistance diet I was on before hand.  So it is veggies, meat ( I have been staying with just chicken), and some fruit.  I have lost 3 more pounds and so a total of 15 pounds in 5 and a half weeks!  It makes the diet completely worth it when I step on the scale and see that.  PRAISE THE LORD.  So I am on this for another 4 weeks and then I go back and get retested again. 
Thats an update in a nutshell.  Josiah is screaming to get out of his crib.  I will update more later.. 


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