Thursday, May 13, 2010

true beauty.

I sit here listening to the wind blowing the canopy on our deck and the birds chirping and I LOVE spring.  I love being able to have the windows open and know that I am no longer stuck inside!! Praise the Lord.  I had an amazing spiritual moment last week I have been dying to share and I had it ALL blogged up last week and gotta love the trusty computer.. it crashed and lost my blog entry.. of course.  So here I am re-writing it, not because I think it is the most significant thing in the world but because it encouraged me and I hope it might do the same for you.  

Over the past two years I have had a constant prayer, that the Lord show me what true beauty looks like and to show me what he finds beautiful about me.  Well last week I was getting ready for the day and once again could not find anything cute to wear (why is that?!!) so I uttered the same prayer I have been praying and didn't think anything of it.  I so often equate what Im am wearing and how I look in it to my beauty and my worth.  Well about an hour later I was driving over to Christina's when I heard a small voice almost like I was just talking to myself whisper "It's your spirit I find beautiful."  Thats it. Simple and sweet.  Words from the Lord.  He had been working on my heart with this very thing for the past few weeks and so when I heard it it hit me.  I had heard it so many other times in life and this time I finally got it.  Praise Him!  I am devoted to now start working on my spirit and who I am in Christ instead of being so focused on eating right or working out enough to TRY to drop some weight.  He apparently doesn't want me to loose it right now, and I think I am finally seeing some fruit form it.   I think one of the biggest things is being okay with who I am when I am not skinny enough to fit into my cute silver jeans.  Its tough.  Especially when you are doing everything you can do to get better.  But he is good and he WILL heal me. I truly believe it.  It is just when..

So please do something for me today, look at yourself in the mirror today and find one thing that the Lord finds beautiful and try to see it and believe it for yourself.

happy mothers day to me! How sweet is this boy?!  I love him so much and could not see life without him.

this picture makes me teary eyed.. I don't know why, it just does.  maybe its because I know how much she loves them.


Jen May 13, 2010 at 12:52 PM  

Beautiful Allie.

I know that in my head but need my heart to embrace that and not get caught up in the looks as much as I do.

The Clark Window May 15, 2010 at 9:53 AM  

oh allie i loved when you shared this at church and i love hearing it again!! I so wish you would have told me what had happened once you got to my house, what an awesome answer to prayer!!! Our God does hear us even when sometimes we can't hear him in response. I do LOVE the photos as well.. you precious boy is beyond words, and my favorite photos are the ones when he is looking at you with such love and happiness that is the best!!

THE WELLNESS WELL May 17, 2010 at 6:01 PM  

what is funny is I completely spaced it from the time I was driving into your house to the time I got in. So sad.. it wasn't until later that night I remembered it.. isn't that pathetic?!

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