well it looks like the time has come..
Saturday at 2 Adam and I will be going into the hospital to be induced. I hate that word. It makes my teeth hurt.
Here is the back story. With Josiah's delivery he got really stuck while I was pushing and if I had not gotten him out with the last push she was either going to have to break his collar bone to see if that helped or we would have had to do an emergency c-section.
The Lord was good and he gave me the strength and Josiah the right position to get him out in time. SO because of this my OB is concerned with this one getting stuck. We have been very leery at trying to induce out of the fear he COULD get stuck so we have been waiting and didn't want to make any decisions. Well we went in yesterday to do a weight ultra sound and it looks like this little one is close to 8 11 so far. Josiah was 8 6.6 so he is trying to pass his brother up already! Needless to say Adam and I have an odd peace about this, so we will go in and trust the Lord will allow this baby to come healthy, strong and will not get stuck.
We have a wonderful doula that will be with us during this and I dont think either of us would want to go down this path if we didnt have her to back us, support us and keep the nurses at bay :)
I am definitely more anxious about this labor than I was with Josiah. I still had the naiveness of not knowing the pain your body can actually go through. This time I am dreading it. I am just ready to get it going so I cant think about it anymore. I want to hold this little one in my arms and move onto the next stage. (though I dont want to give my sleep up, of course)
We will definitely be praying for you until that babe is here. How wonderful to hold a little baby soon!!
THANK YOU! I will take as many prayers as possible :) See you tomorrow!
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