Friday, October 30, 2009


so this is what I pull out of the fridge two and three times a day. This is what my cleanse consists of. Note: the shake is not stirred yet.. so it looks funky :)

Here is a step by step for my sweet potato chips.. MY FAVORITE!!

I first slice them into thin slices.. the thinner the better (they get crispier that way) I sometimes will then slice them into strips to be more like fries. Either way they are WONDERFUL.
I drizzle the pan with olive oil.. though I have read that using coconut oil to bake with is much better than olive oil because when olive oil gets hot it turns into a bad fat unlike coconut oil.
lay the strips or chips on pan in one layer.
drizzle once again with oil.
I will then grind sea salt and garlic over them. (pictured below)

set the oven to 450 and bake for about 20 min. it might vary depending on your oven.
watch until they are to your liking.. and ENJOY! this has become my lunch or a side to dinner..

PRAISE THE LORD for sweet potatoes :)

Today is my last day of the cleanse!!!! I go in on Monday to get re-tested and then we go in on Thursday to get the results. I am so anxious to go in. I am kinda scared to be on my own eating. Doing the cleanse has given me UNBELIEVABLE self control. I have NEVER had it like this before and it has become a way of like. Now that is not to say I don't have temptations but this time I know I have to ignore them and I dont have a choice. I have lost a total of 12 POUNDS during this cleanse and that makes it worth it. I dont want to stop now.. well yes I do BUT I am reaping the rewards. PRAISE JESUS he is so good to Adam and I.
Today poor Josia is sick. I dont know what it is exactly but he sounds terrible. We have a wedding to shoot tomorrow and I dont like knowing I wont be able to be with him :(
I am working on getting some images up from the apple orchard last weekend. Who know when I will actually get around to that! Enjoy your rainy Friday.


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