Thursday, March 24, 2011


It has been on my heart lately to be a parent with purpose. Now that idea used to overwhelm me and even make me feel like a complete failure.  But lately it has given me something to strive for.  I want to know that maybe the house is not always perfect, or I might still be in my pj's (which NEVER happens) but at least I know I will be instilling the love of Christ in Josiah and he is learning about Him.  My latest goal is to find creative ways to celebrate easter that directs the focus to Christ rather than just giving him eggs filled with.. not that there is anything, I love my candy.
In saying that I have been very interested in the how aspect of that and here are some blogs I have found lately that have given me some good ideas.  Now I have to say I have not done anything yet, but I am in the preparation stage.  If you have any other ideas or blogs, let me know.  


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